Summary codecanyonsimple
EmployeeBook is a simple CodeIgniter based system that helps organizations manage employees. It can be used by all organizations. Some of the main features are user management, task management, role management and leave management.
Demo Credentials
Admin Username: admin
Admin Password: password
Employee login:
Employee Username: employee
Employee Password: password
Supervisor login:
Supervisor Username: demo
Supervisor Password: password
The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two.
What is this
EmployeeBook is an efficient employee management system for organisations. Using this system you can easily manage your employees.
Following are the main modules :
Following are the main modules :
- User Manager : Provides user management functionality with ACL.
- Leave Manager : Provides leave management functionality with approve/reject feature.
- Task Manager : Handles the daily task of employees.
- Role Manager : Deals with the user levels.
Why this
It is very easy to use and has the following features :
- 100% Responsive and works in all platforms(Mobile, Tablets & Desktops).
- Email notifications.
- Export leave to CSV.
- Allot leave and leave balance feature.
- Apply for Team leave functionality.
- Approve/reject team leave functionality.
- Powerful ACL.
- Simple Interface.
- Apply for leave functionality.
- Leave can be applied for Full day or half day(First half or second half)
- Approve/Reject/Cancel Leave functionality.
- Add/Edit task functionality.
- Leave listing with advanced filters.
- Task listing with edit task functionality.
- Standalone based on codeigniter
Get Started
There is an automated installation process which will install the setup at your server or your local environment. You need to just copy and paste the contents of the folder “EmployeeBook” at your hosting.
This installation process will install all the necessary files and database.
- Next you can add your employees from the “Add Employee” section and assign their role “Employee”.
- Provide your employees with their username and password.
- Now your employees can login from the login panel and perform their tasks.
- Employees can add their daily tasks as well as edit the details of the addedtask.
- Employee can apply for a leave from the “Apply Leave” section.
- Those added tasks and leaves can be viewed from the “Task list” and the “All leave listing” sections.
- Hence you can manage the progress as well as the leaves of your employees.
- You can also maintain a healthy competitive environment from the “Recent Updates” section.
Leave Manager
Leave management plays an important role in any successful organisation to work efficiently.
EmployeeBook provides an efficient leave management interface to the organisation where employees can apply for a leave and the HR can take necessary action on the applied leave (Approve, Reject or cancel) and the employee can view the status of the applied leave instantly.
Apply Leave
Here the employee can apply for a leave by selecting the type of leave(Annual, medical..) date and submit it to the HR for review.
Apply Team Leave
Here the supervisor can apply for leave on behalf of team member.
Email notifications
- Email notifications are sent to the Supervisor when a leave is applied.
- When the supervisor Approves or Rejects a leave the the employee is sent an email regarding approval or rejection.
Allot leave and leave balance feature
- Leave need to be allotted to the employee based on the leave types. Like 20 Annual leave alloted to some demo employee..
- Leave record is maintained for each and every employee.
- IMPORTANT: For an employee to apply for a leave, leave have to allotted by admin or supervisor first.
- When an employee apply for a leave then leave is deducted from that particular leave type. like if an employee has 18 Annual leaves and applies for 2 annual leave then the leave balance will be: 16
Team Feature
By this feature we can maintain individual functional groups
- In this feature the Supervisors can view their team members leave.
- They can take necessary actions such as Approve team members leave, reject team members leave based on permissions.
- Supervisor can also apply for a leave on behalf of team member.
My Leave List
Here the employee can see the applied leaves and their status
Leave Listing
This section is restricted for the HR and Admin. Here the HR gets a listing of leaves submitted by all the employees of the organisation and can take necessary action.
Task Manager
Task manager provides an interface to the employees of the organisation for maintaining their daily tasks.They can add their daily task and at the end of the day they can edit the status of the task.
The Admnistrator of the organisation can see a listing of the task added by all the employees and can trace the work progress.
Add Task
Here the employees can add their task by writing the title description of the task with the estimated time.
My Task List
Here the employees can see their task listing and take the required action on their task.
Edit Task
Here the employee can change the status of the selected task.
Task List
Here the admin can see the task of all the employees and trace the work done.
User Manager
This section is restricted to the Administrator for managing the employees and their details.
Here the administrator can add a new employee, see a listing of all the employees
and edit the details of any employee.
From the employee listing the admin can activate/deactivate any employee and go to the edit section for editing employee details.
Add Employee
Admin can add a new employee from this panel by providing a username, password, email, date of joining, role and supervisor.
User List
Here you can see a listing of all the employees and perform various actions such as edit particulars of the selected employee, activate/deactivate the employee and delete a particular employee.
Edit Employee
Here you can edit the particulars of any employee and change the details of the selected employee.
Here you can deactivate a particular employee and that employee will not be able to login.
Delete Employee
Here you can delete the employee.
Role Manager
In an organisation we have different levels such as Employee, HR, Manager, Admin etc. We can call these as categories within which we can distribute our organisation and every user level has its own work.
We can categories our work and create as many roles as we want from the create new role panel.
After creating new role we will have to decide their capabilities and assign permissions to them.
Add New Role
Here you can add a new role by providing name and description of the role eg role can be HR and description Human Resource Department
Role Listing
Here you have the listing of all the roles in the organisation and you can perform various operations on those roles such as view, edit and permissions
Edit Role
Here you can edit the role name and description.
Here you can provide module wise permissions to the selected role. By providing permissions theemployee falling underthose rolescan access those modules.
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